The Cure magical skill can cure afflictions, heal wounds, and even bring back the dead. Unwilling creatures are allowed a Will save to negate.
CURE AFFLICTION (VARIES). The following conditions can be cured. Casters may not spend more MP on a Cure Affliction effect than their ranks in the Healing skill.
• Blindness (2 MP): This spell allows a target to get a Fortitude saving throw in order to cure blindness. If the effect is magical in nature, the original DC is used. Naturally occurring blindness is a DC 30. If the target’s eyes are missing, they must be regenerated first.
• Deafness (2 MP): This spell allows a target to get a Fortitude saving throw in order to cure deafness. If the effect is magical in nature, the original DC is used. Naturally occurring deafness is a DC 30. If the target’s ears are missing, they must be regenerated first.
• Disease (2 MP): This spell allows a target to get a Fortitude saving throw in order to cure disease. If the effect is magical in nature, the original DC is used. Naturally occurring disease is a DC 30.
• Fatigue (2 MP): The spell suppresses fatigue for the duration of the spell. At the end of the spell’s duration, the target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become exhausted. Fatigue can only be eliminated through rest. The duration of the spell does not count as rest.
• No Pain (5 MP): If there are any magical effects reducing one of the subject’s ability scores, the effect is suppressed. This does not cure ability damage or permanent ability drain, but it can sober a drunk without giving them a hangover. While under the effect of this enhancement, creatures have a -2 penalty to Dexterity, Vitality damage does not cause wounds and the affected creature does not suffer the affects of any trauma failure except death. At the end of duration, the affected creature must immediately make a trauma save with all applicable penalties and wound carryover.
• Paralysis (3 MP): This spell allows a target to get a Fortitude saving throw in order to cure paralysis. If the effect is magical in nature, the original DC is used. Naturally occurring paralysis is a DC 30. If the creature’s Strength or Dexterity had been drained, they are restored to at least 1.
• Poison, Negate (3 MP): This spell allows targets to get a Fortitude saving throw in order to negate poison. The original DC of the poison is used. Creatures with natural poison abilities that succeed their saving throw can keep their poison stores and use their poison to harm creatures outside the area of effect.
• Poison, Slow (3 MP): For the spell’s duration, poison in the area of effect has no effect. Once the spell elapses, poison takes its usual course. The caster must be able to use Time effects in order to use this enhancement.
HEAL (VARIES). These spells help the healing of wounds. Casters may not spend more MP on a Heal effect than their ranks in the Healing skill.
• Enhance Healing (+1 MP): Affected creatures gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves for purposes of healing only.
• Endurance (4 MP): Affected creatures gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves for the spell’s duration: Swim checks made to resist vitality damage, Constitution checks made to continue running, Constitution checks made to avoid vitality damage from a forced march, Constitution checks made to hold your breath, Constitution checks made to avoid vitality damage from starvation or thirst, Fortitude saves made to avoid vitality damage from hot or cold environments, and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
• True Healing (+3 MP): Affected creatures heal 1 wound and take 1 point of vitality damage. Creatures with no vitality get no benefit from this. This damage cannot be soaked.
REGENERATION (VARIES). These spells restore atrophied or missing body parts. These effects must be used in conjunction with Craft Permanent Spell. Casters may not spend more MP on a Regenerate effect than their ranks in the Healing skill.
• Regenerate, Lesser (12 MP): Regenerates lost body parts no larger than an eye or finger. The target takes 12 points of vitality damage. This damage cannot be soaked.
• Regenerate, Moderate (15 MP): Regenerates lost body parts no larger than a hand or foot. The target takes 15 points of vitality damage. This damage cannot be soaked.
• Regenerate, Greater (18 MP): Regenerates lost body parts no larger than an arm or leg. The target takes 18 points of vitality damage. This damage cannot be soaked.
REVIVE (VARIES). These spells restore the dead to life. The body must be complete in order to be revived. No being can be revived after 1 week. Reviving a body causes the target to permanently lose a point of Constitution. A body with a 0 constitution cannot be revived and this loss may not be restored by magic. These effects must be used in conjunction with Craft Permanent Spell. This often does not work without a No Pain or Slow Poison effect on the corpse allowing the caster to heal any lingering wounds and maladies. Casters may not spend more MP on a Revive effect than their ranks in the Healing skill. A revive enhancement may not be used more than once on the same corpse, meaning a caster who fails a Lesser Revive must use a Moderate or Greater Revive on his next attempt. A corpse failing a Greater Revive cannot be raised at all. Revived creatures are exhausted, have 0 vitality, and whatever unhealed wounds remaining from their death.
• Revive, Lesser (10 MP): This spell attempts to revive someone who has died within 10 minutes. The target gets must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 25) to be revived.
• Revive, Moderate (15 MP): This spell attempts to revive someone who has died within a day. The target gets must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 35) to be revived.
• Revive, Greater (20 MP): This spell attempts to revive someone who has died within 1 week. The target gets must make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 45) to be revived.
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