World of Esaene (ENWorld)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Long time

Hey everyone,

I know it's been a while since I updated this and it's been for a variety of reasons. Since 4th edition D&D was announced, I struggled with what direction to take the game. I needed more info to make sure my vision wouldn't be so close to Wizard's vision that it would make my work moot, so I waited and watched.

As it turns out, I like what I see. Based on the plethora of information available from D&D experience, and a few email questions answered from Wizards of the Coast, I've decided to continue forward with Esaene using 4th Edition D&D rules.

The current plan is to have several things ready for demonstration at Origins this year and have them available for sale starting January 1st, 2009.

More updates as we get closer.


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